Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.
- President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Monday, May 15, 2006

Suruchi Rattan

She, and 269 other people above and in Lockerbie, didn't deserve what they got.

Libya now has normalized relations with the United States. America did not need to invade Libya because of the atrocity over Lockerbie on that December day in 1988. However, to restore FULL diplomatic relations with Libya, while Qaddaffi still is in power, and Libyan citizens are still oppressed, is shameful.

Bush is not a Republican. He isn't a liberal, either. He is simply a short sighted megalomaniac that cares not for the soldier, the worker, or the businessman.

I am still a Republican, but the Republican party is abandoning me and millions of its members for petty partisanship and short sighted perversion of the republic for personal gain.

I am close to tears.


evilsciencechick said...

you are republican?

I trying very hard not to rearrange my entire opinion of you.


Drunken Chud said...

if we went after every country whose politics we disagreed with, the libs would have a shit fit. normalizing a relationship with libya, who poses no threat to the us and was on its knees begging us to be nice is a step to stabilization in the region. we don't need more enemies. and the more areas we can find friendly faces over there, the better. i seriously question your replubicanism. nothing i've ever heard you say was right wing. but, whatever. i digress. you have the shortsightedness in foreign policy that i see in a lot of teenage liberals. they focus on the minutia of the how and why right now. and not look at the picture of this: we are now normalized. which means we send them foreign aid. which pretty much means from this day forward, we control their domestic policy on everything from birth control to drivers licensing. it's a complicated process. when you can understand this, we'll take the lid off your sippy cup and let you sit at the big kids table. until then... seen, not heard.

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Oh, for fucks sake. First off, The Republican party is a BIG TENT Party. Democrats are spineless, without ideas, and completely without conviction.

Secondly, we don't need to have FULL diplomatic relations to play ball with the Libyans. Do you honestly think we cannot bend the Libyans to our will, and fund democracy, while at the same time not giving Qaddaffi the same recognition as the Queen of England?


evilsciencechick said...

but we're not pure evil.

a LITTLE evil, maybe. but not PURE evil.

that's the republicans.


Amy said...

Why Amy doesn't discuss politics, exhibit A.

:) You rock Scooter.

Drunken Chud said...

the same recognition as the queen of england? we give her no recognition. however, i get your point. but your point is flawed. that'd be like saying "dr." cosby, actually is a doctor and not an honoree. sure, there are sanctions we could impose and all sorts of pressure tactics. fact of the matter is, we need an ally. one who knows if he fucks with us we kill his family... wait... woops. plus, contributing aid with strings attached is the best policy. cuz now it seems as though they actually want to change. and thus, we don't breed anti american sentiment. there's a bigger picture here. qadaffi's not going anywhere, libya poses a great staging area for sudan, coupled with our presence in egypt and chad allows us to deal with a far greater atrocity than just imposing one's own ideologies on the people you govern. and just to help you out, from the CIA's website:

"UN sanctions were suspended in April 1999 and finally lifted in September 2003 after Libya resolved the Lockerbie case. In December 2003, Libya announced that it had agreed to reveal and end its programs to develop weapons of mass destruction, and QADHAFI has made significant strides in normalizing relations with western nations since then. He has received various Western European leaders as well as many working-level and commercial delegations, and made his first trip to Western Europe in 15 years when he traveled to Brussels in April 2004. QADHAFI also finally resolved in 2004 several outstanding cases against his government for terrorist activities in the 1980s by compensating the families of victims of the UTA and La Belle disco bombings."

Joe C said...

So Chud, Bill actually became a doctor for his role as Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable? That's fucking dedication right there.

Drunken Chud said...

well joe, it was actually for his work in early childhood development, and parenting. but were i him, i'd be saying it was for my accurate portrayal of a dr. on television. and for inventing jello. and jello pudding pops. mmmm mmm mmm...

Will said...

I used to be a republican. Now I'm a libertarian. You should check them out...they're making a lot more sense these days.