Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.
- President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Monday, August 14, 2006

Denis Leary

"Capital N, little y, BIG Fucking Q!"

Oh, man, I love Denis Leary. He's a libertarian, you know. My favorite performance of him is, of course, "No Cure For Cancer." There just isn't much better comedy than that of Denis Leary. Any ways...

So, what else is there... um... Snakes On A Plane! If you don't have your ticket yet, get it. Unless you have an overpowering snake phobia, I don't want to hear any excuses. Snakes, tasers, Samuel L. Jackson, and a plane. It will be good.

Oh, one last thing... Biodiesel 128,000 BTU / gallon, Hydrogen 320 btu / cubic foot.


Drunken Chud said...

i don't need high BTU'S to crank a fucking engine over. it's called compression. and once started, it's self sustaining. i don't see why you are arguing against this. hydrogen and oxygen are combustable gasses. oxygen powers fucking rockets. how the fuck are you going to say that rocket scientists are retarded? should they be using biodiesel? SHOULD THEY!? SHOULD THEY!?!?!?111!!!ONE!!!

Drunken Chud said...

and while we're at it, why don't we compare apples to apples here. how about you locate and post the btu's of biodiesel per aerosolized uncompressed cubic foot. since, well, when it burns in a motor it is aerosolized and then compressed. which, again, using HHO would save a step.

Drunken Chud said...

OOOF! heaves a chair through the air...

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Oxygen is not combustible. It is an oxidizer.

Rocket Scientists use hydrogen because they care about the vigorous reaction that they get from hydrogen. They care nothing for economics. Moreover, The shuttle boosters, the ones that do the real heavy lifting...

SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS produce 83% of the lift. I think "booster" is a bit of a misnomer.

Finally, The cetane level of biodiesel is about 45. Hydrogen has an octane rating of 130. That looks as though hydrogen has the upper hand, expcept when you factor in the effort needed to get hydrogen.

When sun and carbon dioxide stop being free, call me.

Drunken Chud said...

who said anything about SRBs? i said it powered rockets. which, it has, as in everything from the SSMEs on the shuttle to the mercury missions.

so... hydrogen has a higher octane? the hell you say. so, let's figure this out: you have to farm the algae, refine to something usable... then shit and store it. OR, i can go outside and turn on my hose... yeah, you really got me on the free shit. and the effort? tell ya what, i'll get a 12 year old malaysian to sit in the trunk and turn a damned hand crank since you can't seem to wrap your head around a self sustaining system. i think it will still be cheaper for me to feed the malaysian than buy biodiesel.

when water stops making 70% of the planet... call me.

Joe C said...

I'm waiting to get my SOAMFP ticket to see if Stepho and Garvin are going to make it in town for a showing.

Snakes and Stepho -- What a saucy combination.

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Great. 12 year old Malaysian girls will be the basis of the hydrogen economy. Dude...

When you crack water, the energy you get from the hydrogen, either burnt or through a fuel cell, is less than the energy you used to crack it.

Even with a Malaysian girl doing it, the surplus energy has to come from somewhere.

Sun, CO2, and a plant does all the heavy lifting for me. Instead of trying to figure out how to magically remove thermal entropy from the equation with a hydrogen cycle, I put myself in the middle of the carbon cycle.

Amy said...

Uh. I like pancakes.

Cindy-Lou said...

Dudes. Please.

Joe C said...

Amy - you like pancakes. I like PAINCAKES. Booyah.

evilsciencechick said...

heehee...12-year old malaysian girl.

get yours today! only 3 easy payments of 39.99! act now and get a free gift: her 7 year old brother to shine your shoes and wipe your ass!

Amy said...

Are you threatening me, Joe? Hmmm?

:) I'm with CL on this...as usual. I tend to agree with her a lot.

Weekends Off said...

Mmm I like pancakes too... with bacon. Speaking of which,

I cooked bacon while naked this morning and nothing bad happened.